모델 번호: {{currentSku}}
SD 어댑터가 포함된 SanDisk Ultra microSD
- {{getUnEscapedHTMLContent(variantTagData)}}
{{formatPrice(inventory.prices.list.amount, inventory.prices.list.currency)}}
{{formatPrice(inventory.prices.sale.amount, inventory.prices.sale.currency)}}
{{formatPrice(inventory.prices.list.amount, inventory.prices.list.currency)}}
{{formatPrice(inventory.prices.sale.amount, inventory.prices.sale.currency)}} / {{inventory.prices.sale.billingPlanName}}
{{volumePrice.minQuantity}}+ {{volumePrice.amountFormatted}} /개당
{{inventory.prices.maxQuantity}}+ 견적 요청

메모리 카드
SD 어댑터가 포함된 SanDisk Ultra microSD
{{inventory.prices.sale.amountFormatted}} / {{inventory.prices.sale.billingPlanName}}
성공! 이 제품이 구매 가능할 때 다음 이메일 주소로이메일 알림이 전송됩니다. {{email}}
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요청이 제출됨!
감사합니다. 요청이 제출되었습니다. 귀하가 요청하신 내용은 이메일을 통해 곧 회신 드리겠습니다.
{{inventory.prices.list.amountFormatted}} Price {{inventory.prices.list.amountFormatted}}
{{inventory.prices.sale.amountFormatted}} Offer Price {{inventory.prices.sale.amountFormatted}}
Actual Price {{inventory.prices.list.amountFormatted}}
{{inventory.prices.list.amountFormatted}} Price {{inventory.prices.list.amountFormatted}}
{{inventory.prices.sale.amountFormatted}} Offer Price {{inventory.prices.sale.amountFormatted}} / {{inventory.prices.sale.billingPlanName}}
Actual Price {{inventory.prices.list.amountFormatted}}

메모리 카드
SD 어댑터가 포함된 SanDisk Ultra microSD
{{inventory.prices.sale.amountFormatted}} / {{inventory.prices.sale.billingPlanName}}
성공! 이 제품이 구매 가능할 때 다음 이메일 주소로이메일 알림이 전송됩니다. {{email}}

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SanDisk Data Recovery Plan

Ontrack® offers decades of expertise in data recovery with a very high success rate.

Money-Back Guarantee
If Ontrack cannot retrieve data due to covered data loss events, SanDisk will refund you the full plan price1.

Affordable Solution
Without a Data Recovery plan, single drive recoveries under Ontrack’s Standard Service Level can range from ~$1,000 - $2,0002.
We’ve partnered with Ontrack to provide protection for routine and extreme data loss scenarios such as drive failure, viruses, and software issues. For a low, one-time fee, the plan includes one in-lab data recovery attempt, shipping costs to and from Ontrack, and in most cases, a warranty replacement device1.
Have Questions? Learn More
1. Limitations apply. See Data Recovery Plan Terms & Conditions.
2. Source: Ontrack data for calendar year 2022. Cost range will vary depending upon Service Level, type of device, cause of data loss, drive condition, and other factors.
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비교 방법
가장 낮음 {{formatPrice(baseObj.skuPrice.prices.list.amount, baseObj.skuPrice.prices.list.currency)}}
가장 낮음 {{formatPrice(baseObj.skuPrice.prices.sale.amount, baseObj.skuPrice.prices.sale.currency)}} |
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