We.Unidos presents the limited edition WD_BLACK P40 Hispanic Heritage game drive.

We are thrilled to partner with We.Unidos, the Hispanic & Latin Employee Resource Group within Western Digital, to raise social awareness and appreciation for the Hispanic gaming community. We.Unidos is also partnered with two groups that share our same goal: Latinx in Gaming, a non-profit focused on spreading Hispanic cultural appreciation and connection, and Las Vegas Inferno, a Latino-founded esports team. We anticipate more initiatives to connect closer with the Hispanic community and are excited to keep showing our pride for the individuality of Hispanic cultures everywhere.

Together with We.Unidos, we’re introducing the WD_BLACK™ P40 Hispanic Heritage drive. Adorned with a mural-style heart, this portable drive celebrates and pays respect to the passion of Hispanic cultures today and of generations past. We view the WD_BLACK P40 Hispanic Heritage drive as a symbol of our commitment to elevate the voices of the Hispanic gaming community, punctuated with this unique and inspired enclosure design.

At Western Digital, we take our devotion to serving all our customers seriously and will continue innovating new ways to be inclusive to every gamer. It is our honor to be part of a cause so important, but still so understated. Our shared goal with We.Unidos is to continue to spread awareness, kindle pride, and of course, fuel your game. To all members of the Hispanic gamer community: We invite you to play con toda pasión — with a game drive designed for you.

How did this initiative come to life?

The importance of authenticity in how we create and market our products from Lynne Cox, Executive Sponsor for We.Unidos and Senior Vice President of Global Corporate Marketing at Western Digital

Authenticity is important in how Western Digital creates its products because it's our reflection of what we believe in.

For example, the We.Unidos edition of our WD_BLACK product is branded with the phrase "with all our hearts."

We.Unidos strongly believes in the strength of the family. With all our hearts as a family,

we created this product to embrace our gaming community

share what our family stands for.


The vision for the Hispanic Heritage P40 enclosure from Alfonso Calderon, member of We.Unidos and Director of Industrial Design at Western Digital

I wanted to infuse a street art mural with emotion, and honor our ancestors’ rich archeological history in the Americas.

These elements illustrate the fullness, diversity, and passion for life of our culture.

Our goal was to infuse the design with the same passion and emotion

that gamers experience when they plug in and hit play.


The cultural significance of the drive's design from Jimmy Gomez, board member of We.Unidos and Product Marketing Manager at Western Digital

Our main goal as an ERG [Employee Resource Group] was to create something that would resonate with Hispanic and Latino gamers.

With that in mind, we felt it was really important that the design resonates with all Hispanic and Latino cultures, and not just one specific one.

This led us to a design that highlights both the roots of our ancestors and the passion gamers have for what they play.

As someone who is a part of this community, I can't wait to game and show off my pride for my heritage.


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