Non-exhaustive list of Sandisk marks.
To build and preserve brand value, Sandisk Corporation, its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Sandisk”) own and/or license numerous registered and unregistered trademarks, service marks, logos and slogans (“Trademarks”) in the U.S. and/or other countries. The following is a non-exhaustive list of Trademarks with the appropriate mark symbols under U.S. law. Trademark rights may differ in other countries. Appropriate mark symbols should be used in accordance with the trademark laws of the relevant country.
While Sandisk makes every effort to keep this list updated, it may not be comprehensive. Sandisk does not waive its trademark, or other intellectual property, rights for any trademark, service mark, logo or slogan not appearing on this list. Unauthorized or improper uses of Trademarks may constitute infringement and unfair competition under federal, state and international laws.
Use of trademarks, service marks, logos, and slogans is subject to Sandisk’s Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines below.
Questions regarding Sandisk’s Trademarks should be directed to
List of Trademarks
- Clip Jam®
- CloudSpeed®
- CompactFlash®
- Cruzer Blade®
- Cruzer Edge®
- Cruzer Fit®
- Cruzer Force®
- Cruzer Glide®
- Cruzer Spark®
- Cruzer Switch®
- Cruzer U®
- Cruzer®
- DataGuard®
- Easystore®
- Extreme Pro™
- ImageMate®
- iNAND Extreme™
- iNAND Ultra™
- iNAND®
- InfiniFlash®
- iXpand®
- Lightning Ascend®
- Lightning Eco®
- Lightning Ultra®
- Lightning®
- MemoryZone™
- MobileMate®
- My Passport Go®
- My Passport®
- NASware®
- Optimus®
- OptiNAND®
- Pixtor®
- RescuePRO®
- SanDisk®
- SanDisk Connect®
- SanDisk Extreme PRO®
- SanDisk Extreme®
- SanDisk Infiniflash®
- SanDisk Optimus®
- SanDisk ReadyCache®
- SanDisk SecureAccess®
- SanDisk Ultra®
- SanDisk Ultra Fit™
- SanDisk Ultra Shift™
- Sansa Clip Zip®
- Sansa®
- Ultra Flair®
- Ultra Luxe™
- Ultrastar®
- WD Black™
- WD Blue®
- WD Elements®
- WD Gold®
- WD Green®
- WD Purple®
- WD Red®
- WD®
- Western Digital®
- 7stac®
- Absolutely®
- Active Power Save™
- Adaptive Flashback™
- ArcticFlow™
- BitDynamics™
- Bitspread®
- Cellcare®
- CinemaStar®
- Clip Jam®
- CloudSpeed Ascend®
- CloudSpeed Eco®
- CloudSpeed Extreme®
- CloudSpeed Max™
- CloudSpeed Ultra®
- CloudSpeed®
- CompactFlash®
- Create the Incredible™
- Cruzer Blade®
- Cruzer Edge®
- Cruzer Facet®
- Cruzer Fit®
- Cruzer Force®
- Cruzer Glide®
- Cruzer Pop®
- Cruzer Switch®
- Cruzer U®
- Cruzer®
- Data Forever™
- Data Lifeguard™
- Data Makes Possible®
- Data OnHand™
- DataGuard®
- Delivering the Possibilities of Data™
- Deskstar®
- DirectCache®
- Drive Forward™
- Drive Your Game™
- DuraStep Ramp™
- EasiScale™
- EasyLink™
- Easystore®
- Endurastar®
- Enhanceio™
- Expanding the Possibilities of Storage®
- F.I.T. Lab™
- FasTrack™
- FlashAssure®
- Flashback®
- FlashGuard®
- Flashmax®
- FlashSoft®
- FlexPower™
- G-NAS™
- G-Tech®
- G-Technology®
- Guardian Technology®
- Helioseal®
- Ibi™
- IcePack™
- ImageMate®
- iNAND Extreme®
- iNAND Ultra®
- iNAND®
- InfiniFlash®
- ION Accelerator®
- ION Data Accelerator™
- ioSphere®
- IsoVibe™
- iXpand®
- KeepItComing®
- Lightning Ascend®
- Lightning Eco®
- Lightning Ultra®
- Lightning®
- Long Live Data®
- Making Big Data Small™
- MegaScale™
- MobileMate®
- My Book Duo™
- My Book Studio™
- My Book®
- My Cloud Mirror™
- My Cloud. My Rules™
- My Cloud®
- My Net®
- My Passport Edge™
- My Passport Slim™
- My Passport Studio™
- My Passport Ultra™
- My Passport®
- myWD Plus™
- myWD™
- Nastravaganza™
- NASware®
- OpenFlex®
- OpenNVM®
- Optimus Ascend®
- Optimus Eco®
- Optimus Extreme®
- Optimus Max®
- Optimus Ultra®
- Optimus®
- OptiPlay™
- Optizone™
- Pixtor®
- Powerarmor™
- Powersafe®
- Progressive Deduplication™
- Project Spaces™
- Put Your Life on It®
- Reduced Power Spinup™
- REDvolutionary™
- REDvolution™
- RescuePRO®
- SanDisk Connect®
- SanDisk Extreme PRO®
- SanDisk Extreme®
- SanDisk Infiniflash®
- SanDisk ION Accelerator™
- SanDisk Ixpand®
- SanDisk Optimus®
- SanDisk ReadyCache®
- SanDisk SecureAccess®
- SanDisk Ultra®
- SanDisk®
- Sansa Clip Zip®
- Sansa®
- SecureConnect™
- SecurePark™
- Share your World™
- Silicon Systems™
- SiliconDrive Secure™
- SiliconDrive®
- Siliconedge™
- SilkStream™
- SimpleDrive®
- Simplicity at Scale®
- SkyEagle®
- Skyera™
- Skyhawk® (licensed for use to SanDisk LLC)
- SmartPower™
- SoftSeek™
- Solidstor™
- StableTrac™
- Stec®
- Storchoice®
- Store Your World In Ours®
- SureConnect™
- Synergydrive™
- Telling Life’s Stories From Memory®
- The Power of Choice™
- TopReel®
- Touro®
- Traceptor™
- Travelstar®
- Ultrastar®
- Velobit™
- VSL®
- WD 2Go®
- WD Align™
- WD Anywhere Access™
- WD Backup™
- WD Black®
- WD Black Stylized®
- WD Blue®
- WD Cloud™
- WD Digerati™
- WD Direct™
- WD Drive Utilities™
- WD Elements Play™
- WD Elements®
- WD Gold®
- WD Green®
- WD GreenPower Technology™
- WD Guardian™
- WD Livewire™
- WD My Book™
- WD My Cloud®
- WD My Passport Go™
- WD My Passport™
- WD Nomad™
- WD Photos™
- WD Purple®
- WD Raptor™
- WD ReadyView®
- WD Red Pro™
- WD Red®
- WD Re™
- WD Scorpio Black™
- WD Scorpio Blue™
- WD Scorpio™
- WD Security™
- WD Sentinel™
- WD Se™
- WD ShareSpace™
- WD SiliconEdge™
- WD SmartWare Pro™
- WD SmartWare™
- WD Storcentral®
- WD Sync™
- WD TV Live Hub™
- WD TV Live Plus™
- WD TV Live™
- WD TV™
- WD Velociraptor™
- WD Ventito™
- WD Xe™
- WD®
- WDLabs®
- We.™
- Western Digital Foundation®
- Western Digital®
- WhisperDrive™
- XceedIOPS™
- Zetascale™
- Zeus IOPS®
- Zeusram®

Trademark Guidelines
Sandisk Corporation, its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Sandisk”) own and/or license numerous registered and unregistered trademarks, service marks, logos, and slogans, (the “Trademarks”) in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Trademarks are valuable assets to Sandisk and its brands and licensors and act to distinguish Sandisk’s products and services (“Products”) from its competitors’ products and services. Sandisk takes many steps to protect against unauthorized or improper use of the Trademarks and brands. Third parties that are authorized by Sandisk to use the Trademarks are required to use them in a proper and consistent manner and in accordance with these Guidelines and the terms and conditions of any agreement you have with Sandisk.
Sandisk or its licensors retain all ownership rights in their respective Trademarks and brands. Any goodwill or legal rights created from use of the Trademarks and brands are for the benefit of and inure to their respective owners exclusively and not to any third party. Sandisk has the complete discretion to revoke any right to use the Trademarks, even if such use is not expressly prohibited by these Guidelines. Sandisk may modify these Guidelines without notice to you. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are referring to the current version of these Guidelines.
The following are authorized to use the Trademarks and must abide by these Guidelines:
- Original equipment manufacturers (“OEMs”) who purchase internal solid state drives from Sandisk for integration into non - Sandisk Products;
- Authorized distributors who purchase Products directly from Sandisk for distribution only in regions authorized by Sandisk (“Authorized Distributors”);
- Members of the Pro Rewards Program or Enterprise Partner Program (“Partner Program Members”) who purchase Sandisk products directly from Authorized Distributors; and
- Other third parties that are authorized in writing by Sandisk to use the Trademarks.
If you do not fall within one of the above listed categories and would like to use the Trademarks, please contact
Your right to use the Trademarks is non-transferable, which means that you are not authorized to give others the right to use the Trademarks without Sandisk’s express, written permission.
OEMs, distributors, Partner Program Members, integrators, retailers, resellers and other third parties (collectively, “Customers”) using or selling Products acquired from unauthorized sources or counterfeit products are not permitted to use the Trademarks. It is your responsibility: (i) to ensure that you are acquiring non-counterfeit products from sources selling legitimate Products and (ii) to know which region the Authorized Distributor may sell the Product you are purchasing and to only sell such purchased Products in the same region. Furthermore, Customers that purchase Products from Authorized Distributors outside of the region where the Customer intends to sell such Products are not permitted to use the Trademarks. Inquiries regarding authorized or unauthorized sources should be sent to
General Guidelines
- Sandisk is giving you limited, non-exclusive and fully-revocable permission to use the Trademarks in a truthful, fair, and non-misleading manner and in compliance with these Guidelines and the terms and conditions of any agreement you have with Sandisk. You may not use the Trademarks in a way that is misleading, deceptive, libelous, defamatory, infringing, obscene, offensive, damaging, or disparaging to Sandisk’s or its licensor’s brands, or otherwise objectionable to Sandisk in its discretion. Do not use the Trademarks in connection with any photograph that does not display a genuine Sandisk product or packaging.
- Always use the Trademarks in the manner intended by Sandisk. Do not use them for goods or services for which they were not originally intended. You may not modify, translate, distort, change, abbreviate, shorten, or hyphenate the Trademarks. Do not flip, rotate, stretch, or add effects to logos or stylized marks. You may not abbreviate or create acronyms out of the Trademarks.
- Do not incorporate the Trademarks in your own product names, service names, trademarks, logos, company names, or Internet domain names. You may not use or adopt trademarks or logos that are confusingly similar to the Trademarks. You also may not take any action that is inconsistent with Sandisk’s or its licensor’s ownership of the Trademarks and brands.
- You may not register a trademark, logo, domain name, or social media account in Sandisk’s name or attempt to register a trademark, logo, domain name or social media account that is confusingly similar to the Trademarks. You may not copy or imitate in whole or in part the look, feel, design, or trade dress of Sandisk’s products, packaging, collateral materials, website, or social media pages.
- If you are using the Trademarks to describe Sandisk or its products, be truthful and accurate. Do not use the Trademarks to make unsubstantiated claims about Sandisk or the quality, capacity, or specifications of any Products. Any questions about the language that you can use to describe Sandisk or its products should be directed to
- You may not use the Trademarks on or in connection with any website that displays adult content, promotes violence or hate speech, sells or distributes unauthorized, grey market or counterfeit products, or violates any laws or regulations.
- If you are authorized by Sandisk to use the Trademarks, you must include a proper trademark attribution notice. For example:
- SanDisk is a registered trademark or trademark of Sandisk Corporation or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries.
- SanDisk, the SanDisk logo, [alphabetical, properly spelled list of Sandisk trademarks, for example: SanDisk Extreme PRO and SanDisk Ultra] are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sandisk Corporation or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries.
- Some countries have additional attribution requirements or may require translation of attribution notices to a language other than English. Please consult with if you have any questions about the proper attribution notice to use for your country.
- You must mark the Trademarks with the proper symbol, which is either ® or ™, on the first or most prominent use of the mark on a webpage or piece of collateral. Proper marking of the Trademarks is important to give others notice that Sandisk and its licensors claim trademark rights in and to the Trademarks. If it is not possible to use the ® or ™ symbol, you must use (R) or (TM). Sandisk maintains a non-exclusive list of U.S. registered and other trademarks on its website at There are strict restrictions in the U.S. and other countries on use of the ® symbol. Do not use the ® symbol in any country where the trademark has not been registered. Please consult with if you have any questions about the proper marking to use in your country.
- You acknowledge that Sandisk takes no position regarding the quality of products or services that you offer. You shall make no claims or implications that Sandisk endorses or is affiliated with your products or services.
- Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Sandisk, in no event shall Sandisk or its licensors be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with these Guidelines, your usage of the Trademarks, Products, your products containing internal solid state drives manufactured by Sandisk, or your relationship with any end users, whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise.
- Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Sandisk, you will defend, indemnify and hold Sandisk and its licensors, employees, officers, directors, successors and assigns harmless from any and all claims, actions and suits based on (1) your use of the Trademarks, (2) your use, sale, marketing and distribution of any Products, and (3) your use, sale, marketing and distribution of any products containing internal solid state drives manufactured by Sandisk.
Additional Guidelines Regarding Use of the Logos
If you are using any of Sandisk’s or its licensor’s logos, you must use only Sandisk-approved artwork and you must follow the applicable Sandisk Brand Guidelines. These Brand Guidelines specify the format, spacing, color, and font requirements for such logos.
Additional Guidelines Regarding Use of Word or Slogan Trademarks
- Consult with Sandisk’s list of trademarks for proper spelling and capitalization. This list is found at .
- For example, if you are referring to SanDisk Extreme PRO®, you must capitalize the “S” and “D” of SanDisk, the “E” of Extreme and the “PRO” of PRO. Sandisk’s trademark list is updated frequently and you must check it to make certain that the list has not changed. If you have any questions about the spelling, formatting or capitalization for the Trademarks, or if there is a trademark that you believe should be on the list but is not, please contact
SanDisk Extreme PRO®
SanDisk extreme pro-C
SanDisk Extreme Pro
sandisk extreme pro
- Use the Trademarks as adjectives to describe products, such as “a SanDisk Extreme PRO® SSD” and not in place of the product itself, such as “buy a SanDisk Extreme PRO®.” (Remember, it is a SanDisk Extreme PRO® brand SSD, not a “SanDisk Extreme PRO.”) Do not use the Trademarks as verbs or in the plural or possessive form. For example, do not say, “SanDisk Extreme PRO’s new design is fabulous!” Instead, you should state, “The new design of the SanDisk Extreme PRO® SSD is fabulous!” Do not use the Trademarks as puns, slang or portray them negatively. For example, do not say, “Sandiskelicious!”
- Do not make up your own trademarks and attribute them to Sandisk or combine them with the Trademarks.
- Do not combine Trademarks with your or another companies’ names, trademarks or domains, or use them in a way that suggests an affiliation between Sandisk and your or another company, or sponsorship or endorsement by another company of Sandisk’s products unless you have authorization from Sandisk.
If you would like to use the Trademarks in film production or commercial television, please contact