

To build and preserve brand value, Sandisk Corporation, its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Sandisk”) own and/or license numerous registered and unregistered trademarks, service marks, logos and slogans (“Trademarks”) in the U.S. and/or other countries.  The following is a non-exhaustive list of Trademarks with the appropriate mark symbols under U.S. law Trademark rights may differ in other countries. Appropriate mark symbols should be used in accordance with the trademark laws of the relevant country.

While SanDisk makes every effort to keep this list updated, it may not be comprehensive. SanDisk does not waive its trademark, or other intellectual property, rights for any trademark, service mark, logo or slogan not appearing on this list. Unauthorized or improper uses of Trademarks may constitute infringement and unfair competition under federal, state and international laws.

Use of SanDisk trademarks, service marks, logos, and slogans is subject to SanDisk’s Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines.  

Questions regarding SanDisk’s Trademarks should be directed to